Bettina Gannon is a rising 8th-grade student in South Florida. She is an eager environmental advocate who has a passion for conservation and preservation.
Bettina started a non-profit business four years ago that sells dog collars and leashes. The profits go to a local animal rescue. She is an article writer for PEP! (the pet education project). Bettina writes about various topics regarding pet care and crucial issues. Her passion extends from animals to the environment.
Bettina has worked with MANG, No Shoes Reef, her school, etc. to improve water quality by planting mangroves (on a man-made island) using new technology that encourages oyster breeding. Her upcoming project is implementing a recycling system in her school and her community. She wants to educate her classmates and community members while making her community a safer cleaner space for everyone.
Bettina is a recipient of the South Florida Youth Community Service Award and looks forward to continuing her work by being a Water Ambassador.